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  • Ms. B

Why are teachers leaving education?

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

Welcome to Lessons Learned by Ms. B!

So, I have written and rewritten this introduction more times than I can count. I even asked a few friends to read it and give me feedback. Where does one really start? How does one pivot when plans change? I used to reply "God only knows!" but a friend recently told me the hardest part is just to start. So here it goes...

This blog was intended to be about teaching - veteran teachers giving advice to new and aspiring educators - but so much has changed in the few months since that idea was born. After thirteen years as a public high school educator, I've decided to step away. I honestly thought this would be the career I would retire from but I'm done with the bureaucracy of it all. I cannot, nor will I, take on "one more thing" any longer. I'm tired. Beyond teacher tired! I'm frustrated at how we are treated by those not in the classroom. Let your mind wander - administration, policymakers, the public at large. We've heard it all:

"Wow! Must be nice to be on an extended vacation!"

"Schools MUST be open! We need the kids in school!"

"Masks should be optional! They aren't good for kids."

"You need to give the kids grace. After all, we don't know what they've been through."

"Remember, self-care is important."

"Oh! We need you to prepare students to retake the [fill-in-the-blank assessment] within two weeks."

"We want you to reteach an entire year of your course in a month."

"Of course you can social distance in schools and take proper precaution against COVID-19. What do you know? You're just a teacher."

Yep. Just. A. Teacher.

A teacher who is honesty sick and tired of being exhausted, being reminded of self-care but feeling guilty when I need to take a mental health day or not wanting to go home from work and continue to work another four plus hours. My students mean the world to me but I cannot continue to put them above my mental and physical health. When we, compassionate and skilled, teachers begin to practice self-care the reaction is most often greeted with disdain. Who will be left to blame when veteran teachers say enough is enough and walk away?

New and Aspiring Teachers

The information here is not meant to scare you away from the profession. I want you all to have a place to ask questions, seek advice, but to also know what to expect as you enter teaching. We all say knowledge is power. At least in this case you can make an educated choice.

What are we here for?

This blog will continue to be a space for all educators. A place for us to share our experiences within the classroom and school but also to explore the real challenges being faced by us all.

Your Assignment

My teacher bestie and I keep referring to this year as the Great Resignation. To what extent must teachers, and thereby students, suffer before the system is rebuilt?

Please contribute your reasons below and Subscribe so you don't miss future posts.

Have a wonderful day!

~Ms. B

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